I have a hunch that there are others who feel the same way that I do especially in these times of the Earth’s quickening and merging of energetic dimensions. Everything in our lives and on the planet IS moving more quickly and we are being affected on deeper levels and in a much broader context. To be clear, this is less about “going” somewhere, i.e., ascension, elevation, etc. than it is about illuminating exactly where one is at with more light. Maybe this is the point where humans are getting stuck in the mud as we tend to get focused on our “my first” mentality whereas Animals are focused on an “us together” thought process. Add to that our desire to be anywhere except here on this globe of duality and you’ve got the beginnings of a lack of clarity about how to add light – anywhere. And the whole point right now is to simply BE HERE and to take the lead in every moment of supporting each other in this revolution.
I read so much on social media about good ideas of how to “think” and how to “shift” in accordance with these highly evolving times yet I get frustrated when I see comments along the lines of “good thing to think about”. To that my reply is a resounding “NO”. This is a time of zero additional rumination that sets the majority of human brains skittering further away from collective consciousness and our ultimate goal of unity with the Earth and all Her beings. This is a time of leaving behind everything that is known and comfortable and embracing what will be. The second one drops all illusion of needing to process anything about where you’re going, theories about how you’ll get there and what to do, and simply surrenders to the process of be-ing, you’ll be exactly where you need to be in that moment. And the next moment, the one after that and the one after that. Until a series of iridescent moments make up the whole of your life, just like all other beings on Earth.
I’ll add into this mix any new theories about what humans perceive is going on with physics or dimensions or anything of the like as it really doesn’t matter what we think is going on. That may or may not be your reality and I do think as individual souls our paths are unique from each other’s and yet connected at the same time. And our connectedness is what matters most right now. What is desperately needed are Warriors of Light to step forth and to embrace their own path without regard to its particulars of how, where, when, and what. Any pretense of not-belonging needs to be shredded and burned in the flame of unconditional compassion for all other beings. It is only in this way as a group of Warriors united and moving forward completely without regard to our species can this be accomplished. For we will then be joined at the heart center of Earth Herself and all other souls on the planet. What a lovely place to be that is, cradled in warmth, wisdom and togetherness. I hope you’ll join me and the Animals in stepping into your true Warrior Self, your ultimate home.