It’s easy to mistake at times the unconditional love that Animals have for our species for something more passive on their part. We are, after all, accustomed to seeing ourselves in a more dominant role with them and perhaps even perceiving that we control their lives. Our eyes see their behavior from the outside which is not based in “me first” that in our way of thinking and societal norms translates to weakness and not looking out for themselves. If you take a look, though, at what can be observed from members of our own species who have aligned themselves with the vibration of Animals those same qualities of selflessness and compassion for all are evident. This leads us, naturally, to a perception of these humans in this new light as beings of immense power and influence among us.
Gandhi, Yogananda, Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, the Dalai Lama and Thich Nhat Hanh all come to mind as modern examples of deep compassion and unconditional acceptance of humans as well as Animals. You may have your own list and for the purposes of time and space I’ll leave you to add on by yourself. And for those of us familiar with these lives and messages we have no difficulty in elevating them, perhaps, to a place that we deem as special and something to which we may aspire.
Yet when we see service dogs, for instance, who come into the darkest and most tragic situations such as courtrooms to offer support for victims of violence or see them search for the bodies of those killed by mass murderers we think warm thoughts and perhaps – “well, that’s just how dogs are”. While that may be true this statement of their authentic and soul-deep nature should also create a conflict at the very least for how we see dogs and all Animals, really. Not as objects subject to our whims or as creatures less capable than we are but as beings of immense power and influence among us. In exactly the same way in which we view those humans mentioned before as all being beacons of light and hope on Earth.
It is beyond time to dismantle the paradigm of dogs being dogs and animals being animals and as so much more than mere fodder for cute memes or videos on social media. They are, in fact, Ascended Masters among us with fur and whiskers and wings and scales. They are, in fact, capable of transmuting so much shadow with such a colossal impact on us individually and collectively that they belong alongside the Dalai Lama and Martin Luther King. Just because their form is different in no way subtracts from their effectiveness as true leaders among us. We as humans are so damn lucky to be on this planet with all of Her gifts to us. If only we would open our eyes to see that which is already before us and offered so openly from the hearts and souls of Animals we would make room on our list for all of them as elevated beings among us. Even more importantly, your own companion animal and their ability to support you, day in and day out, would appear to be a saint-like to you. And that, the Animals would say, is merely a reflection of who you truly are. Unconditional, indeed.