Creating a list of what’s perceived differently by humans and all the rest of the Animals on Earth would be very long, continually evolving and open to vast amounts of interpretation. But not because of what you might think. That being perhaps the ability of Animals to understand the list. They understand everything on Earth much better than we do including ourselves. Our species is the one that is woefully disconnected from not only ourselves but all others.
Without getting too long winded or soap-boxy about it, we seem to be clueless about how to interact with Animals in the wild. Each season always brings on a slew of stories and accompanying videos about situations going awry between the species. Sometimes with tragic consequences for all involved and which most always includes death for the Animal. Because we perceive an attack of sorts into our “space” over which only we are allowed control, the biggest illusion of all.
How did we forget the importance of sharing? How is it that Humans, an apex predator to be clear, ignores the mandate of being part of the whole? Our hubris at times is stunning. Our rape of the natural resources on the planet to support our overpopulation is chilling. And underneath it all is fear. Try as we might we cannot and never will escape the biological wiring of where we are in the whole picture. That there are other apex predators on Earth who are out to “get us”. An “Us and “Them” concept which permeates our own species as well. And yet other species continue to exist and thrive with new generations being created every single day. What exactly is their secret? Why, the immutable guidelines of Nature, of course!
- Don’t take more than you can use.
- Recognize when the dance of predator and prey is over and surrender gracefully no matter your role.
- Heed the warnings given when in another’s territory.
- Respect the sanctity of the mother bond above all else.
- Know that your presence is a gift and use it wisely to benefit others.
- Go back to #1 and repeat.
If it seems simple, then it is. If it seems complex, then it is. It is always up to you, co-creator of your very own reality. We judge so harshly those we perceive to be “less than”, Animals at the top of that list. Yet, it would seem that they know something we don’t – how to peacefully co-exist with others who are not like you yet upon whom you depend for your life. We’ve got considerable ground to cover before we reclaim our misplaced membership in the Whole and learn the language of energy. I’m up for the journey – are you?