You may not think of gravity as a gift if you’ve experienced (as we all have) a sudden collision with its impenetrable set of rules by falling down or bumping into someone or something. Indeed, humans spend a great deal of our time attempting to “break the bonds of earth” and go – somewhere, anywhere, it would seem just to escape. Animals seem to have a better relationship with gravity and actually flirt with the essence of it as they fly or leap or cavort on land or in and out of the water even just for moments at a time. And as they’re barefoot, wear no clothes and have skin to skin contact with the Earth at all times it makes sense that they know gravity and its mysterious ways much better than humans.
The special grace of this strong magnetic pull that keeps us anchored to the Earth is just that – a deep, all-abiding energetic connection to the Earth on all levels of our existence. And within this structure lies a wealth of support that needs reframing, I think, from the animals’ perspective about this particular gift. For they would say – “silly Human – why do you strive so hard to remove yourself from the very thing that keeps you tethered to all things abundant and vibrant?” The remarkable thing about Animals is that their collective consciousness is perfectly happy and at home on this planet even given what our species views as a constraint – such as gravity. There are no big questions for them, no existential angst about “why am I here”, “where is my life going”, “what is the purpose of gravity, really”, and the like. They just simply ARE, all of the time. Does gravity have something to do with that? Yes, most definitely, because gravity keeps them anchored to the regenerative power of Earth instead of flying off into space due to the rotation of the Earth.
Among those of Animal species who are especially connected to Earth and gravity are – wait for it – Snakes. It’s such an odd thing to them as well as to me that we perceive these beings to be the embodiment of evil in our culture – nothing could be further from the truth. Every time I connect with Snake it is a very high vibrational energy, happy and always glad to converse about things large and small. It’s clear that this vibrational exchange with the Earth along the length of their entire body has much to do with their state of joy at simply being.
Emerging science indicates what Snakes have always known. Actual physical contact with the surface of the Earth and its abundant source of electrons and healing energies neutralizes the positively charged ions and excess of electricity in our environment. All bodies were meant to be in balance with both positive and negative yet currently (no pun intended) we have a super-charged habitat and nowhere to put this energy – except to exchange it for what the body needs via physical contact with the Earth. And while the Earth does this for us automatically, none of it would happen without – ba dum – gravity keeping us on the surface of the planet and at times literally forcing us soaking up the good stuff on our path to vibrant well-being.
Perhaps instead of cursing gravity the next time you trip and fall I invite you to take some time and express gratitude for this planetary magic. It does at least two very specific things: keeps you where you belong (on Earth and not in space) and keeps you close to what heals you. Be like the Snake and lay with at least some of your skin next to the skin of the planet – roll around if that feels good, too. It won’t take long before you start to feel tingly, refreshed and alive just as you are always meant to be. Photo credit: Newton left long time ago by Reza, modified.