Hey, everybody – this is the Animals’ iView podcast and I’m your host, Lizanne Flynn. I mentioned the “e” word in last week’s podcast – the “e” standing for the word energy – in reference to Animals being masters of the language of energy. You may not think of energy as having its own language, syntax and semantics – but it does according to Animals and all other species in fact. And they would add – what it most definitely does not have is any woo-woo of the sort of any kind at all – which means none as in zero. To Animals the language of energy forms the very basis of all of their interactions with each other and us because it doesn’t depend on any outside belief system or structure. It is felt by them, individually and collectively – through their physical forms, their bodies – which tell them everything they need to know about the world around them. I’ll talk more about that in just a bit so that you can begin your own paradigm shift and adopt the Animals’ way of understanding this thing called Energy.
If you were to ask a human about the energy of a place, person or thing –they may look at you like you had two heads and say something like “whaddya mean, what kind of energy does it have?! What kind of a weirdo question is that?! Energy-smenergy – that sounds really woo-woo to me!” And perhaps their answer could be translated to say – “I don’t understand the scientific basis of any kind of energy with all of its definitions, laws and formulas because I’m just a human and also NOT a scientist and how can I possibly begin to know what makes up this thing called energy that seems to be everywhere and in many different forms?” For most of us just the word feels squishy – which is a technical term. If I were to ask you what a chair, table or lamp was – you’d have an immediate picture of that object based on your experience, likely in 3d and could begin to describe your version of these things. And whether you realize it or not you’d also be describing energy in a solid form where the molecules of energy of the object aren’t moving much at all. My hunch is that for humans we tend to push it out to the side and say that we don’t know what it is because of the constantly moving pervasiveness of this thing called energy everywhere in our lives. And because we don’t have an agreed upon 3d definition of energy. Besides that it’s vague and our species doesn’t do well with vague in terms of the world around us – have you all noticed that? I think that’s somewhat based on biology because of our dual role of both predator and prey – we perceive we’re safer when we can define and understand the world around us. So that we know when danger is coming, fear being a strong motivator among all species, after all.
We humans also have a habit at different points in our collective evolution of putting these pushed to the side things into categories labeled as “less than” and even “dangerous”. Certainly at the very least “different”. Depending on who and where you were in history – say, an astronomer and physicist whose name rhymed with Galileo – didn’t mean that you came out on top when you publicly promoted things of a general energy nature like the Earth being round and the sun being at the center of the galaxy. Historically it was the heads of religious belief systems cast in the role of the Jets – and look up West Side Story while you’re at it – who vehemently denied these statements or did much worse to those who made them. From my perception it was their desire to exert control over what humans believed about the physical world around them. Because they perceived they knew better than the rest of humans on the planet and maybe their reason was more nefarious. We’re each entitled to our opinion on that. It’s curious that even now from the other side of the equation – science as the Sharks – that has labeled as “pseudo-science” brilliant insights coming from Masaru Emoto and Candace Pert – this being the more things change they more they stay the same. More on the belief systems of both science and nature in just a bit.
If we take a look at another historical perspective of energy – from my side of the fence if you will – there have likely been millions of individuals accused of and subsequently put to death for energy malfeasance – or witchcraft – simply because they happen to have abilities of helping others via plants or other skillsets. Perhaps they were – like their earlier general science counterparts – attempting to illuminate for the rest of us facets of the amazing field of energy that at the time were hidden from the majority of humans. And that it was not the intention of the individual directly accessing the sphere of energy that determined its outcome rather it was the intention of the person on whose behalf the request for intervention was being made is what made everything “go”. Which is usually what I tell my animal communication clients when they ask – well, how does this work, exactly? I say in response that it’s their intention in wanting to talk with their animal family members that forms the juice – if you will – the point of energy access that enables me to bridge the outside species differences between animals and people and get to the common bond of soul that unites both.
Quite honestly, looking at energy through the lens of human-only history is not the most expedient way to invite you to consider taking a leap of faith into a direct connection with energy. We have created so many filters either via our outside belief systems or via our self-determined separation from energy itself that has dramatically gummed up the works – or so the Animals say. And after all – the name of the podcast is the Animals’ iView, right?
So – let’s take a huge step back and go to the place that really is optimal for interacting with energy because – news flash – you are energy and you also matter. Apologies for the old physics joke. I’ll insert a caution here – it requires that you let go of everything you’ve been told about energy and move into the place of personal experience as foundation for what is truth to you. And it might make your body feel just a bit “squishy” when you work with energy as the body is a conduit only. There will be other systems firing in the field of energy around you of which you will be aware and that will likely be brand new to your. Thus, the squishiness. Remember, it is your intention that makes this go so it may feel a bit like you’re out of body just temporarily – in the best way, really! The body is ground zero for any being to understand what energy is and how fluid it can be as well as how concentrated. I said earlier that the only thing the Animals require to show them the truth of energy in any given moment is their bodies. There is, of course, interpretation of the energy that is revealed by the body via emotions which is step two of this process. Everything, everything is how it feels to them – people, places, things, other beings – all of it. And here’s why the body is revered by them of being the only arbiter they need for interacting with the world around them and therefore, pure energy. It’s because they know the body always tells the truth – it is incapable of lying to them. Why? Because the body’s only prerogative is to protect and maintain health for as long as it’s supposed to during any animal or human experience. You never have to tell the body to “heal” on your behalf whether the injury is a paper cut or surgery – it automatically starts protecting itself and therefore you from further harm. Yes, we do know how this works scientifically and have you ever wondered why? Truth be told the wisdom of the body surpasses anything humans know about it – we’re really a bit behind actually in understanding how it works. Did you know that it was only in 2015 that humans uncovered the fact – because really, it was already in existence, another silly thing we do in calling it “discovery” – that the brain and the immune system were connected via the lymph system? Scientists at the center of this information were stating that “textbooks will have to be rewritten.” To which the Animals honestly kind of shake their heads and sigh a bit. Because everything about this planet is already known to them through the language of energy which as I said earlier is a different kind of language than verbal – it’s all experiential. Now, you might say – well, how do I know that it’s the truth? Simply because you’re physically here on this planet now is testament to your being entitled work with the fields of energy on Earth all on your own. And the interesting thing is that others’ experience of this energy will be very similar to yours which forms a collective understanding yet your experience will be uniquely your own. Here’s an example: I know what water tastes like to me and I don’t know at all how it tastes to you. How can I? Your body is yours and unique to you yet we can likely both agree that water is refreshing and cool and a liquid. Do we really need to know anything else about it individually? Not really. Collectively we can do as the Animals know how to do and watch how a river works vs how a lake works. We might feel the faster flow of water with a river than a lake and we might then understand how water can push things in its path to move more quickly and what else can we know or how can we use that information? Everything else is details, according to the Animals, as it’s the experience and the essence of the element itself that is important.
Here’s an introductory energy activity that you can do with yourself, others who you know, plants, animals, crystals – and anything else that’s made of energy. You may have seen or done this before and you may have seen it where you rub your hands together to get them warmed up first. I invite you not to do that to just see how strong your own bioelectric field of energy really is that’s generated by your own body because you are your own source of energy. Stand up – if you can where you are, feet about hip distance apart and your knees slightly relaxed. Bend your arms at the elbows at about 90 degrees with your hands facing each other in front of you. Take a few deep relaxing breaths and focus your attention in the space between your hands. When you’re ready move your hands closer together with the palms slightly cupped and fingers together. Go slowly and be aware of your palms maybe starting to get warmer or tingle or maybe feel a bit itchy. The closer you get your hands together the more heat or resistance you might feel and it will likely be quite subtle. A really different feeling than say placing your hand on something solid or even liquid – so go slowly and take your time. It works best – I think – if you close your eyes so that you won’t be distracted by watching your hands come closer together. Don’t worry – no one will make fun of you because their eyes will be closed, too. If you get to where your hands are touching and you haven’t felt anything or just a slight pressure, start over. Making your hands extension tools to feel others’ fields of energy takes time and practice because it’s a very different way of interacting with the world around you and using a different language than what you’re used to using.
Once you’ve got this down the real fun begins! Get together with your friends and family members of the human persuasion and stand about a foot apart with your arms bent at the elbows and palms up and facing each other. Using the same process as before, start with focusing on the space between you and slowly moving your palms closer to the other person’s palms. Stop when either of you feel heat or tension or resistance and then watch to see if other information comes in. Observe the space. Does this feel differently than when you did it by yourself? Is there more information coming in like flashes of visual information or hearing something inside your ears? Try it with your animal companion as well by placing your open palm about 8 inches above their back. Slowly move your palm closer to their back and stop when you feel heat or resistance or tension – the same as before. And then observe what you feel – is it lighter or heavier than what you felt with another human? Any other flashes of information coming in? Not to go deeper than we need to at this point but any other pieces of energy coming in will be shared with you via what we can call for now – your intuitive muscle. And yes, you have one even if you’ve never felt it before all because you have a body on this planet.
Try the exercise with plants, trees, flowers – anything that has form on the planet has energy in it and this activity besides being fun helps you and your body to begin to learn a bit more about the language of energy. Which brings you closer to every being on the planet as well as bring you closer to yourself. We’ll journey a bit farther into wonderful you on the next Animals’ iView podcast. I’m your host, Lizanne Flynn, you can find me at Lizanne Flynn.com – see you next time.