Hello, faithful followers of my website! When I see that my last posted blog was December of 2018 I admit to cringing a bit. And what good does that do either your or me? Not much, right? So let’s redirect together and reach for a thought that feels better which is always the best place to be.
I’ve started a podcast – The Animals’ iView – which you may already know about if you’re receiving my quarterly newsletter. I look at it as a restart of my former radio show only with just me for right now. The podcasts are under Resources on the top menu bar, front page and there are 4 of them ready for your listening. I’m also on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, iHeartRadio – all under The Animals’ iView.
Along with them, I’m also posting the text only version under Blogs, also on the top menu bar, front page. Just in case there are people who need them and can’t access the podcasts directly.
Thank you for your patience on my journey – let the fun continue!