The phrase above became synonymous with a particularly challenging or difficult question that anyone, really, had to answer – in life, about a situation – whenever, whatever – it signifies a really tough go. For those of you who are history buffs I offer the following from Wikipedia: “The $64,000 Question is an American game show broadcast from 1955 to 1958, which became embroiled in the quiz show scandals of the 1950s.” And perhaps today one needs to be of a particular age zone in order to recognize the meaning behind those particular words – modern day equivalents might be: “behind the eight ball”, “pear-shaped”, “game over” and the like – take your pick.
When working with energy guides and your own personal spiritual team I’d venture to say that it’s “fo shizzle” that one question – just one – about a particularly challenging or deep or layered situation to your guides will yield a plethora (and then some) of guidance. It’s almost as if while they do answer sometimes with a simple and outright “yes” or “no” to a situation they understand that as humans we’re likely to ask why or why not of the yes or the no. And sometimes their yes or no is cloaked in a preamble of information about the situation itself or people involved in an effort (I truly believe) to be as helpful as possible. Because that’s how they are – extraordinarily helpful. And perhaps they know that most answers to most questions can’t be distilled down into a simple answer at least when there are other people involved and/or the future from their point of view which – let’s face it – is all seeing. It’s like they relish giving as much information as possible to show support for their honoring our free will choices. After all, anybody could just GIVE you the answer. Your guides know the importance of making you work for the answer – just a bit – and to create more confidence in flexing your own decision-making muscle. So important to do as a human!
This is the point where as humans on the receiving end of the information it may feel a bit like Alice, the rabbit hole, and falling. After all, we just wanted a straightforward answer to our question – will I get the new job? will my love life get better? will the Avalanche win the Stanley Cup? The thing is, if one looks BEHIND these questions as your guides do there is so much more to a simple yes or no – there is your highest and best good and whether or not that will be realized. It’s not really about – for your guides, at least – the knowing of what will happen, it’s the way there, the journey and the awakenings along the way. An example: will I get the new job? Certainly your guides are capable of answering yes or no because likely they do know the answer in their view of all dimensions including the future. Along with that information though, that I perceive they feel strongly about is offering additional support and guidance so that you can make as thoughtful a decision as possible. Perhaps they will speak to your current job and how that does or does not serve you at this point – the same thing goes for the new job. They may speak to people you work with, your current as well as prospective boss and whether or not (aside from monetary gain because there is more than that) a move would be in your highest and best good. They are masters at the shades of gray – NOT the popular book shades-of-gray – that exist in all situations in which human beings are involved. That’s because we’re complex and while we may desire a simple answer and the relief that comes with “well, they TOLD me to do (or not do) “X” they know that our paths are windy and not at all as straightforward as we think them to be at times. They know of the myriad shards of energy affecting our paths on a moment-to-moment basis and while this upload of detail may seem overwhelming at first I promise that at the end of their relay of information you will feel supremely loved and infinitely blessed to be able to work with them as closely as possible. After all, they are the originators of highest and best good and their soul (deliberate use) purpose is to make sure you get to where you need to go as easily as possible. So if they appear to be long-winded breathe along with them and simply trust that you will get to where you need to go, free will intact. Photo credit – Dennis Hill.