I am doubly blessed with two sons in this lifetime both of whom are extraordinary beings. We’ve come to the place in our relationship(s) mother to son(s) where we’re enjoying adult conversations that meld the best of both worlds – parent and friend. Against the backdrop of having shared a body at one point in time with each of them I treasure these exchanges all the more.
Lately we’ve had deep sharing about their perspective on the increase of sexual harassment issues being made public right now. What we are working through at the moment is finding common ground in relating to the after-shocks these revelations have had on them as men. Because the essence of how they see themselves within the context of humanity is shifting and dramatically so as I suspect it is for many other men of integrity.
I find that if I look at it from the reverse perspective and inside out it helps all of us. As a female human on Earth I can resonate with their being unsettled as broad relational norms shift between genders. And as the mirrors of at least two genders in this human experience are being polished. They’ve always been clear on unwanted touching, words and the like not being okay as am I. Which leaves the rest of the incredibly broad range of interactions up for redefining. And wherein tiptoes some angst. I can empathize with their perhaps feeling that who they are at their human core – male – may not be valued in certain situations and that their actions will be judged by others. And that there are some who simply because of their gender would have preconceived notions about them, their abilities, intentions and pretty much everything else about them. In other words, objectification.
While I reassure them that this is all part of the dismantling of patriarchy defined as men holding the majority of positions of power in society, government or community I know my words fall on somewhat deaf ears. Never before in their lifetime(s) has such an energy permeated the planet and therefore our very collective existence. And it is being done at the behest of the Divine Feminine Rising. Because we’ve been in an imbalance for far too long between masculine and feminine of the divine nature. The feminine is a fierce energy and perhaps that’s been part of the surprise for all of us – the punch with which this shift is occurring as well as its scope and depth. And as She is in partnership with Divine Masculine that aspect must shift as well. Picture a constantly moving yin/yang symbol and you’ve got the right idea.
It would seem that for our sons as well as for our daughters who will all carry this energetic torch as the shifts continue we owe them at the very least our compassion. A holding of space for them so that as they feel the changes rolling in like the waves on a beach at high tide they can continue on their paths secure in the knowledge that they are integral to these paradigm awakenings. That who they are is perfect in every way and that embrace of both parts of themselves as we all are both masculine and feminine is the way forward. A readjustment of identity in relation to all other humans is being called forth for all genders which although based in highest and best good won’t take away the challenge for anyone personally. And although we’ve not been one physically for many years I can mirror back to them their ongoing integration of Feminine and Masculine. I can support their desire for ease, comfort and joy no matter with whom they interact knowing they are completely equal to the task before them of becoming more Divine in all ways all the days of their lives.