Long before there was verbal language between humans, there was connection between all Earthlings via the Master language of Energy. A shamanic practitioner is “one who knows” of these connections and is also fluent in this language of Energy. Even when separated by dimensions and in the active presence of Shadow. Because, after all, this is still a planet of duality of both light and shadow.
The tools of a shamanic practitioner include Journeying and Soul Retrieval. Each serves a separate purpose within the whole. And each when implemented concurrently, leads even deeper towards the union of soul path and human experience. The place where unity within Self and with Others is regained as it is the birthright of all Beings on Earth.
A well-rounded spiritual practice is key to deepening your relationship with Self and Others. Not to mention the Animals both on Earth and in Spirit form. An open invitation is waiting for you in other dimensions and in the case of journeying we can start with lower, middle and upper realms. Your intention to gain information and converse with your guides and Spirit Helpers is the vehicle into which you climb when you journey. After that, we let them do the driving with rich and sometimes surprising results.
Benefits of Journeying:
- Illumination of life and soul path choices are direct and supportive.
- Guidance is interactive and provides conscious choices for clear and in-depth information.
- The body relaxes into a state of consciousness that is safe and comforting.
- A profound shift in perspective is personally experienced.
- It is a lovely complement to meditation and can be used just as often.
Soul Retrieval
That out of body sensation and the half-second delay in feeling things may be due to missing soul pieces. Trauma occurs in small and big ways for all beings on the planet and with everything, it’s all perception. The soul, when faced with possibly annihilating impact, lets go of small pieces related to the trauma so that it can continue to evolve in a lifetime. Because these pieces are still “of soul”, they’re like puzzle pieces that haven’t found their way home yet. So the picture feels incomplete. Childhood issues are particularly significant areas of trauma for all beings.
Benefits of Soul Retrieval for humans and animals:
- Reintegration of the soul leads to overall increased joy and happiness.
- A more complete soul lends clarity to the life experience of both human and animal.
- The relationship between body and soul is strengthened.
- A ripple effect of energy is felt through the body leading to enhanced self-healing.
- Relationships can be recalibrated and seen in a new light as the future is much brighter.