Oh, no, you’re thinking. Here she goes again. Railing against the scientific community and their apparent lack of connection to energy itself. And you’d be partially right. The New Year calls for review of everything and my guides revealed to me that I can be of greater service by promoting the evolution of science. Gulp! Actually, I dig science. I think it’s cool. Because it is so of the human experience it can be a beautiful bridge to other dimensions. To where the soul is rooted. Perhaps that’s what its true purpose has been all along. To guide our species in using all of the senses available to us to begin to reveal how the world connects around and through us.
Science in general has become another religion and separate belief system. Complete with a must-be-followed set of rules that is presumably designed to promote connection back into the world around us. It is intrinsically better than this and it needs to become better than this. Because it has a universal reach that applies to every human no matter if any other belief system being present because of its physical nature. We can all connect to that. Peeling back a deeper layer reveals that any filter of any kind between you – a spiritual being – and Animals – also spiritual beings – does not serve your highest and best good. It disrupts your innate relationship with them that’s already in place. Through your physical body and theirs. Because that’s where your connection with them lies. With everything on this planet, in fact. So while an excellent starting point is visual using the body’s eyes and brain it’s just the tip of the iceberg. There’s so much more underneath. Which is where telepathic communication comes in. The initial feedback of “this is what I see” moving to “this is what I sense” about another being. And then the real party of interspecies communication and knowledge starts. As it was meant to be on Earth.
When science delivers a set of facts to you about tigers or bears or bees based solely on what is seen it’s like only showing you the outside of another human being. Like what clothes they’re wearing. Or the color of their skin. The dogma and practices of science interrupt one’s individual experience with soul-to-soul resonances. Because none of us is one-dimensional. We’re all spiritual beings having some kind of experience together. And we’ve already discovered and fully reject – at least in theory – the divisiveness that occurs among our own species when we look only at the outside. It is only with other species that we observe from the outside only without communicating with them. The premise being is that if you watch another Animal being and come to conclusions about them you’ll feel more comfortable. It is rooted in our biological imperative to survive amongst the other Animals on Earth. By promoting our illusion of safety, though, it obscures what is available to be fully experienced. And that’s a shame because this limited observation needs to blossom more fully into more than five senses of the human-only experience. It’s devoid of the energetic “ping” that can only emanate from souls. Which mere observation using only one sense just doesn’t have.
No amount of facts, figures and measurements can take the place of this pure energy resonance. For that you only need have deep compassion for yourself and for all others. Everything flows from there and measurement of how much, when etc. just borrows from what is already divinely yours. Connection with another wild heart beating just like yours beats in tune to Gaia. There is always another way than man-made. It’s time to bring it forward.