I’m often asked to relay information about the well-being and whereabouts of souls – both human and animal – who have left the earthly plane of existence. In other words, sussing out wazzup with the homies who are chillin’ – literally . I say both human and animal because although the earthly experience may vary – animal vs. human – the soul is the same, there is no difference.
We humans who toil away at our existence during a lifetime, working, raising families, and dealing with the mundane ordinariness, nay the stickiness of being earthbound breathe a sigh of relief when a loved one passes, dies, crosses over, transitions – any vernacular will do here. We think to ourselves – “ah, at last she/he is free to rest and relax in heaven/the afterworld/the other place etc.” Again, any vernacular will do here – except purgatory, hell and/or limbo because we all know what happens THERE. Note to self: google catholic belief system.
The surprising truth is that it is simply a transition from one dimension to the next with some stop-overs in-between to ask questions, connect with soul family members who may be different than biological family members (more on that in another blog) and reassess how this whole earth gig went this time around. Michael Newton’s “Journey of Souls” is an excellent guide at this point. Oh yes, they may have been here before and what’s more y’all may have been together once, twice, or a gazillion times before. Just as souls are individual, the “travel times” and transition speeds vary based on their earthly role, relationships/situations that need more intensive review and the like. Very often, the energy collected around an issue involving a current earth-bound soul remains in the “stuck” position until such time as it can be revisited via a human medium or being of light guide to facilitate release of the energy.
What happens next may be the most surprising to those of us who subscribe to an ideology of heaven or beautiful after-lives and places of rest, relaxation and peace. Certainly, the soul being released from the afore-mentioned daily stickiness of earth (think gravity) is transformed because the human experience is effectively shed. From that point on, think in terms of a slingshot of energy that propels light forward very fast and onto/into the next dimension. This is where our human minds may refuse to believe that after all we’ve endured (created, actually) for ourselves on earth, a life well-led, etc. that there is no rest – at least not in terms of how we think of it. For the soul, however, there are greener pastures than everlasting rest. The soul continues on its journey toward Source/Spirit (more vernacular substitutions) and what is in its soul’s code (think DNA) for evolution is ignited and begins to guide the journey once more. Other dimensions are offered for incarnation and should the soul think “hey, this looks cool and seems to fit” a stopover is made for however long is necessary in that dimension. It’s also possible that the soul is nearing the end of its evolutionary cycle and as it rejoins with Source, positions such as guide, teacher, or mentor to other souls in other dimensions are offered. Thus, work as defined by the soul begins anew and an altogether different sense of peacefulness and tranquility drapes the soul as it looks forward from a new vantage point of being closer than before to finally returning home.