He had a kind face, the man sitting in front of me at a recent psychic fair. Clear eyes and a direct gaze mingled ever so slightly with a touch of shyness that can sometimes accompany someone who’s seeking their first psychic advice. Although that wasn’t the case.
As it turned out, it was the subject matter on which he was needing insight that was bringing forth his vulnerability. Trusting a stranger with your innermost thoughts and emotions in addition to your energy fingerprint can be daunting indeed.
He’d been through some life changes due to his now-former workplace and keenly observed that what had happened was meant to be. And he was better off for it. He had graciously surrendered to it which in my experience, had him way ahead of the game. All of this didn’t resolve, however, the current issue of where does he go from here in finding work.
Locating and then matching resonating streams of energy for helpful guidance actually takes a bit of detective work, or what I imagine is detective work. Clue #1 – being a provider and a good one for his family was very important to him and yet when a recent job opening in the same profession opened up he stated quite clearly that “it just felt wrong.”
Clue #2 – the initial vulnerability of this good man became apparent both energetically and through his struggle to keep his emotions in check. Because I had just asked the most important question of all: “what would you say is your passion?” And while he liked being creative and making things through carpentry and other outlets there was an important ingredient missing – his passion for doing so. No job in the world gives you your passion – that’s up to you to find.
We unpacked his reluctance to embrace this component of passion because he felt it was at odds with being a good provider. Clue #3 – because he’d been taught as a male in this culture that passion is both not possible and actually secondary within the context of a life’s work. And certainly not feasible while maintaining the provider status. Clue #4 – while he found it challenging on some days to interact with people as an introvert and empath those were the exact qualities that made him good at interacting with other people. So we worked on energetic shielding and what it felt like to shield his body against the broader energy environment that surrounds all of us on planet Earth. We waded into the territory that perhaps some people – young ones in particular – are less difficult to interact with because of his empathic skill set. In short – a teacher.
The look in his eyes and brightness to his face told me that a light had been placed in an otherwise dark and oppressive corner showing him the path forward in be-coming a passionate provider. In embracing his own journey the energies around him would shift in a powerful and lasting way. All is not lost for any gender on Earth right now. We’ve simply been fed a constant diet of who and how we should be. Finding your own why of be-ing can be the thing that gives you both wings and roots no matter who you are.