I really couldn’t think of another title for this blog other than the name that was tossed my way during a 5 second phone conversation. Yes, it’s what you think it means, no further translation necessary. How, you might ask, did I come to be on the receiving end of being called a POS?
It’s not nearly as involved as you might imagine given that there was no long term relationship gone awry, no back and forth escalating of tension. Which makes it to a certain extent from the outside all the more puzzling. Semantics would seem to dictate that there be some depth behind it and/or some history to justify its inherent vitriol at least in my world.
Alas, this history was lacking as we had talked only once up to this point and texted twice, the final text being me relating we were no longer going to be in contact. At least that’s what I believe happened. I can only speak to my experience as it reflects my truth because although I had energetic hunches about the motivation behind this individual’s actions he wasn’t my client. Rather, I was determining whether I should be his.
What follows could well be a he said/she said back and forth with the bottom line being that each person’s perception is their reality. Suffice it to say there were some good-sized separations between ours and still, I don’t think it warranted a personal attack. The interesting thing is that because I felt secure in my position it didn’t bother me, this name-calling. Which led me to wondering: what if he had also responded from a place of neutrality? So that whatever place of where we clashed perception-wise would be free from likewise perceived wounds that usually come before an attack.
There’s definitely an under-current of “me first” these days among humans which makes sense to a degree because of all of the surrendering that’s being requested. The very releasing of the illusion of human experience that strikes at our very core of “me first” and our default of individual consciousness. We’re being moved – at times not so gently – into the unity of collective consciousness where individuals exist as being secondary to the whole. As the illusion falls away the unhealed parts of ourselves is revealed. Here’s where choice comes in and it does actually affect not only the outcome but the trajectory of surrender.
What if instead of reactivating the wound by responding from the wound you felt instead the emotional charge in your body and asked “what’s going on?” And you paused even for a moment and honored that wound and understood the reason why your body was gifting it – yes, it’s actually a gift – to you at that point in time. As the body is incapable of lying to you chances are good that an awareness of some kind meant to support you – not punish you – is at hand.
The temptation to slide into that not-yet-healed place deep inside can be so intense it helps to think about what you’re feeling. Which for humans is a new concept at times. Because we separate the brain from the body and until we see them as one we lack the ability to instantly embrace and instead question the gift.
As we all move closer to the core of ourselves shedding all that does not serve it stands to reason that we’ll continue bumping into each other and mirroring the wounds. I invite you to remember that you’re not in this alone. Every choice you make in response to how you feel could well determine how quickly your wounds heal and really, does anyone need to call anyone else a POS? That’s energy and intention that I don’t think does anyone good – ever.