I don’t often write about planets in terms of their effect on our species because (a – it’s not my forte and b) as an animal communicator while the solar system has a similar impact on animals it’s difficult to know their exact natal information to get an accurate astrological natal chart done especially when adopting a shelter animal. The chart would be only for human consumption as we perceive that helps us to understand better how we move with the rest of the solar system’s ebbs and flows and in consulting a chart for our animal companions the same would be true. A lack of a natal chart doesn’t mean they don’t feel the same energetic one-two punch that sometimes happens during any period of time. Certainly their connection with the energetic field of Earth is stronger and more consistent than ours as they don’t wear shoes much of the time and have a skin to skin contact regularly which means they’ll feel other celestial bodies more strongly as well. They’re also not likely to get caught up in houses, trines, and other symbols that humans can at times and honestly, while I know a bit about my own sun, moon and rising signs when there’s conversation much beyond that I tend to feel overwhelmed with information. My hat is definitely off to the astrologers of the world for the subtleties they pick up on so masterfully when casting a chart for any being – keep up the good work!
Recently there was big news in the field of astronomy the study of which historically was viewed in the same way as astrology until the two disciplines split in the 18thcentury and astrology got the worse end of that break-up as it’s now viewed by some as a pseudo-science and used for divination purposes. Which is splitting hairs from my point of view – the exact same planets are seen and studied by astronomers and astrologers alike as there aren’t duplicates of each planet for each discipline. It’s their interpretation of said planets, stars and the like that are different which doesn’t alter the true essence of the thing being interpreted: the sun is still the sun, the moon is still the moon etc., and humans are the only ones attempting to either dilute the essence or claim it as our own.
The big news was that Pluto the sometimes-planet (depending upon with whom you are speaking) was physically encountered by a space probe launched by NASA some 9 years ago after 3 billion miles of travel and our species received the first ever up-close photos of Pluto. As you may remember Pluto was declared by humans to be a dwarf planet in 2006 because of the discovery of other celestial bodies orbiting the sun that were larger than Pluto (among other qualifiers) necessitating a new classification (apparently) of planet to be dwarf or minor in comparison to the other planets in our solar system. Reaction to the kerfuffle surrounding Pluto was mixed then as it is now especially with the clear photographs and information coming to Earth recently from Pluto itself. So I began to wonder. How does this feel to Pluto to be at the mercy of a relatively insignificant (from a total galaxy point of view) species as to be pushed here and there into new categories of beingness? And from an astrological point of view do the opinions of scientists about where Pluto belongs categorically and within their view of the solar system change the meaning and effect Pluto has on the lives of beings affected by its energy and essence?
The first answer is that Pluto cares nothing about how it is thought of or perceived by earthlings, specifically humans, because it has been around for a very long time and knows itself very well. The subjectivity with which humans perceive our environment is the very issue that the energy of Pluto is all about – to burn away that which no longer serves your highest and best good in order to reveal the authentic self. Which brings us to the second answer that is the same as the first one – Pluto understands very well it has a job to do as a change agent within a lifetime via position in an individual natal chart in addition to holding space in the solar system and any perceptions about that role don’t matter to Pluto at all. There can be no mistaking Pluto’s transformative power and like humans switching back and forth between Pluto’s alleged status as a planet Pluto’s effect can make one feel like it’s both day and night at the same time as the new ground is revealed under Pluto’s influence and direction as it is both death and birth at the same time. Coming from this perspective it hardly seems that Pluto is a dwarf anything much less a planet. Nature herself knows that quite often the most powerful beings on Earth are also among the smallest so why would the solar system be any different in this regard? Why would size be among the items that dictate whether or not one could “belong” to the rest of the group based on subjective guidelines devised by others? This is the true meaning behind the essence of Pluto and its journey through our lives. What matters most is your opinion of yourself and your connection with your source of power. From that position anything is possible in a lifetime and Pluto reminds us to remain in our own orbit, doing what we do best so that others around us may be inspired on their own journey as well.
Photo credit: New Horizons Flyby of Pluto by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.