One of my favorite quotes is by R. Buckminster Fuller: “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” It’s generally much easier for our species to move from what is/soon to be what was to what will be if we don’t fight the what is.
We’re always after the newer, better, and arguably efficient way of doing things, aren’t we? I think it speaks to our self-perception that improvement of any kind is necessary as we’re always striving to do/be more/better.
And better is, of course, a moving target. What’s better for one isn’t perceived to be better or an improvement for someone else. The whole spider, fly and chaos quote – look it up. And I think as humans we labor under this belief structure that we must continually work at something – anything – in order to escape. From this veritable Eden that surrounds us mostly because we don’t see it as an Eden. We see it as a hell.
Or at the very least a Purgatory (apologies for the Catholic reference) that keeps us from moving to wherever we think it is we’re supposed to be. Anywhere but here for sure and we keep grinding away and improving and reaching and striving.
And being exhausted in the process. Aren’t you tired of all of these lessons, these trials and tribulations? These improvements that last for a little while until the next layer of resentment of where we’re not comes up and pushes us forward yet again.
And to all of this I say – enough. In all of my years of animal experience I’ve yet to have an Animal say to me – “I need to improve upon myself because I’m not good enough for this life.” Which is what humans say to themselves all of the time because we’re told this all of the time via the obsolete belief systems we’ve created for ourselves.
Originally – pun intended, Catholic reference, apologies again – we chose to separate Us from Them as in Humans from Every Other Being. Plants, Animals and Crystals included. And we decided to set up a system that would keep Us in check meaning everyone else, certainly not the all important Me. By saying that we are unworthy of most things because we perceive ourselves and everything around us by extension – because we’re good that, laying blame – imperfect. And you know what? It’s only the experience of being human that has it’s moments of lack of resonance with Source and which said Source never ever leaves you completely. It’s called your Soul. The very point of identification that every other being on planet Earth holds first and foremost in their experience yet humans still do not.
So it’s time. Beyond time, really, for us to create something new or more accurately to release what no longer serves us and begin to authentically identify with the perfection around us. So that we move beyond the Us and Them to a We. So that we move beyond holding everyone else accountable for our experience except our relationship with Source individually and that this is help in a place of deep compassion and trust for all the good that is coming our way. For all of the good that is already here. Now more than ever as the planet Herself continues to evolve rapidly is the time for dismantling at the very least the idea, the concept of religion as a mode of spirituality. For this last all you need is any other living thing and your hands. Everything will be revealed to you through this touch, one perfect being to another, as you join at last in collective consciousness of We.