I recently participated in one of my favorite events – a psychic fair. As the name implies it’s 200+ of my closest friends and I inside one location where we talk with other people who seek us out for intuitive guidance. Or for physical, emotional or mental healing. Or whatever is most needed at that point in time for that particular person.
And in addition to supporting humans in their search for happiness (because that’s what it’s really all about) I also serve as translator for humans and their animal companions. Relationships between different species are no different than between the same species with a myriad of communication issues arising from time to time. Overwhelmingly and through no fault of their own, it’s usually the human element that’s gone astray from the energy of Joy in daily life that in turn affects the shared relationship. Just like when you feel the impact of an issue that your partner or bestie is having in their life. In order to address a sometimes drastic energy shift Animals will send up a red flag of behavior. Examples include not using the litterbox consistently, barking, and reactivity. Which are all aimed at getting the human’s attention in order to redirect them back towards Joy and thereby reset the shared environment. According to the Animals this is a simple way to mirror and bring attention to the energy that doesn’t belong no matter what it is – fear, depression, worry, etc. As we humans lack the ability to speak at present the universally-held language of Energy Animals revert to what always speaks the loudest among all species – actions!
What I’m not so fond of hearing is the shaming that accompanies the complaints by the human of whatever they perceive isn’t going according to plan with their animal companion. Which is why most of them seek me out professionally. Because they aren’t literate in Energy-Speak they miss the point behind the behavior and quickly move to condemn what’s not working – for them. All in an attempt to return their home and life to one that is less troublesome without considering the “why” behind the behavior. Because surely to goodness it isn’t about them. It’s about the animal “acting out”, “being aggressive”, or – my favorite “just not acting like I want him/her to act as a dog/cat/bird/horse”. This last category runs the gamut from the current companion being completely different from a previous companion or not having the species/breed demographics humans have decreed to be acceptable. An example would be a cat who prefers to be a bit distant with affection or a dog who isn’t the protector that’s perceived to be needed. Oh, the horrors of being an individual sentient being!
We’re fortunate that most of the companion Animals on the planet are the forgiving type and after some illuminating discussion about what’s actually happening Animals move away from the behavior quickly. They’re all too happy to just be in a moment of Joy rather than rehash or blame or deny what in truth took place before. They see it as message sent, received and hopefully resolved. Humans sometimes take a meandering way to get back to the starting point of Animals. There may be denial, guilt, or fear that is felt which was exactly the point of the mirrored behavior to begin with as it doesn’t belong anywhere on this planet. Just in case you haven’t heard by now, only joy, love and compassion are here to stay. Everything else has got to go!
The next time you’re tempted to shame or blame your Animal for their behavior I invite you to take a look in the energy mirror to see if you’re involved in any way. Chances are good that you are intimately involved in at the very least the catalyst for the behavior which means you are also an integral part of the solution. It’s actually a brilliant way to learn effective and neutral communication skills without the baggage we sometimes want to put on top. Listen, consider, choose. Not that complicated after all and without the unnecessary shaming which doesn’t make anyone feel good. And that’s the point according to Animals – feeling good all of the time.