On the heels of writing about the study in which it was determined by science that dogs don’t like hugs from humans (not categorically true as they would have you think) a bright spot emerged about the hearts of humans and their animal companions. This latest report was also from the dusty, worn-down halls of science that I will state once again for the record, don’t exist for the other 7.77 million species on our shared planet. There is no need from their perspective to test, re-test, hypothesize, or separate from anything to figure it out. They are always simply one with what IS which they accept and integrate seamlessly into their animal experience. We need to borrow a page from their book when it comes time to dismantle science because we’re heading that way.
Even as I bring this scientific study to your attention, perhaps there are those of you who would say “well, I didn’t need anyone else to verify this for me.” And that’s exactly the point. The existence of the vibrational frequencies of our bodies on Earth and how they (the physical form) respond to other energies is completely out of our control and happens whether or not it’s verified by an independent source. There is a knowingness of these things, an acceptance on a bone-deep level certainly on the part of Animals of how these subtle energies work which our species usually disregards, sometimes out of fear and/or historical persecution. Unless we can perceive it through our five senses which have roots in this third dimension only we tend to label it and throw it in the trash as “pseudo-science” because it doesn’t fit the narrow confines of established and rapidly decaying traditional science.
But I digress, apologies for the soapbox! This latest information comes from Australia, here’s the full article via this link – http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3568690/Dogs-hearts-beat-sync-owners-says-latest-study-having-pet-good-keeping-healthy.html. Although small in size (I can’t wait to hear mainstream science declare the study invalid because it didn’t involve huge numbers of subjects) the results were nonetheless consistent among the participants. Those being that after humans and their companion animals were separated from each other and then reunited their mutual heartbeats decreased significantly and then began to beat in sync with each other. The animal and guardian moved together from a place of stress at being separated to a place of well-being and picking up right where they left off, hearts beating together as soul mates sharing a lifetime.
The absence of something so life-sustaining as love and compassion based in empathy for each other surely cannot be separated out from the vitality of both animal and human planetary experience any longer. We need each other. We were meant to be together. And when we’re separated physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually it is not healthy for anyone involved. In the case of our shared perspective toward all animals including the wild ones at this point we may struggle to mirror back to them the unconditional empathy – the “being one with” they do so well for us – to truly become one with them. This is not a matter of human understanding or comprehension because once our concept of mind gets involved or we run our clear knowing gifted to us by our bodies of who they truly are through the filter of human brain we become as scientists in creating an “us” and a “them”. This, Animals never do because although they have brains more complex that ours in some species, they “know” this is a matter of heart, not of logic.
We must keep moving forward together, reuniting over and over again until we are all in sync with each other – heart and soul – as we were meant to be. Anything less than this is unacceptable as anything less than complete oneness is stressful and impacts our collective well-being significantly. Living to the fullest with each other, Animals and Humans, is the only way.