The two aren’t even close either in intention or action. One is based in compassion and deep trust honoring a life shared and the other is callous disregard for life in general. One is acknowledging and supporting the unavoidable release of the physical form due to health reasons and the other is consciously ending what is the divine manifest on Earth – the body – regardless of state of health. Yet this is what we as humans get wrong a good deal of the time when it comes to the transitions of our animal companions. We sometimes think that we’ll be murdering them if we choose euthanasia. That we’re no better than a serial killer (not my choice of words, a client’s) by opting to end the physical suffering of another being.
Frankly, the Animals think that NOT offering euthanasia any being who is suffering, and incapable of healing is barbaric. They say: “Why would you allow the body which has so lovingly housed your soul for a lifetime be treated so? Why do you wait until the pain is so deep and the body so tired that the only thing left is the brokenness of a beautiful, magnificent physical form?” It seems from their perspective that our focus is on the wrong aspect of transition in general because we attach so to the physical which can render the energetic component of this situation mute.
I’ve yet to have an animal say to me when facing their own transition – “I want to die on my own.” Without exception they advocate leaving their bodies with just a bit of consciousness left. They relate that it helps them to “slingshot” into wherever it is they’re going next and most of them refer to their next place as if they’re just stepping into a different room. Same house, different room. Added to this they love the idea of leaving a lifetime with their last view being of a guardian’s face and loving embrace with any pain they’re having eliminated. “What could be better”, they ask, “than having your body relaxed and free from pain while feeling so much love surround you?” I’ve not found a good answer.
When we allow our emotions to overwhelm us about the act of euthanasia we are turning away from the partnership with our animal companions. Because at that point we’re mostly concerned only with how we feel. While there may be genuinely deep feelings about their transition and our grief it is important to understand the true nature of our role. We are perfectly positioned to offer them the ultimate act of mercy, compassion and deep trust when we choose euthanasia for them. And despite any misgivings we may have about the power inherent in such a decision. Which may be what troubles us most. Yet, during our entire time with these beings haven’t we made all decisions related to their life? Do we not choose their shelter, their food, and their medical care? If we look at this alleged power as stewardship instead the energy shifts to becoming one of partnership rather than having control over them. Then it can be revealed in their moment of death that we are continuing that highest and best good intention to ease their physical suffering and support them in a truly transcendent step. To become once again pure energy capable of being with us regardless of physical form. For the Animals this is the ultimate goal at the end of a lifetime in a body – a return to the timelessness of Source energy so that their presence can be with us. Always.