“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” – Nikola Tesla
No truer words were ever spoken and with our human perspective everything seems solid so how can we move from a place of standing still to ebb and flow with the energy all around us? The answer lies partly in an element on our planet that can be confined by physical boundaries yet those boundaries never alter its basic properties of fluidity – water.
The world lost a pioneer in the field of energy last year when Dr. Masuru Emoto transitioned to spirit. I first discovered his work in a beautiful book, The Hidden Messages in Water, a wondrous look at water crystals and the effect the vibration of words has on water. The human body is made up of – depending on which source is used and I’ll use my go-to, Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_water – about 65% water. Using Dr. Emoto’s work as a basis of understanding it’s easy to see how the usual human perception that we’re solid and aren’t susceptible to the vibrations of energy from sound via words and other sources around us can be dramatically and permanently altered. As it should be!
Sound has long been a great communicator for all beings and ancient humans were much more attuned to the vibrational patterns and frequencies of sound beyond what their outside ears shared with them. In those times there was no advanced civilization with loud noises and screams of technology distracting them from the very essence of vibrational energy that is Nature herself. In fact, they depended heavily on learning and interpreting the rustle and snap of leaves and ice being moved by the wind and the rush and murmur of river and stream for their survival. For they were One with the Earth and her gifts that were offered so freely. Later on, human desire for the healing effects of sound came into being and they created drumming rituals to literally resonate with them as they moved between dimensions that were freely open to them. These beings felt and therefore knew on a level beyond modern-day comprehension that the sound created by the drums and rattles were penetrating deep into their muscle fibers and skeletal structure to transform and enhance self-healing. The important concept here is what they felt in their physical forms because that formed the basis for what they considered their truth. Yes, their individual forms varied from each other as ours do yet they seemed to be able to reach consensus of what was in the highest and best good of their tribe or family group because their survival depended on mutual respect and cooperation. They were Unified in Consciousness.
All around us the rest of Nature is made up of movement and vibration to which all members of Nature can choose to dance and be affected by on a bone-deep level. Most species do this and even some humans choose to do that by walking along the shoreline with the ocean nearby and sitting by a river and hearing Her speak to you of the mysteries of Nature. The tricky part comes when we seek other beings with whom to resonate and that is an important undertaking which calls for much keener observations of fellow humans than their physical appearance. If you close your eyes and open not just your ears but every cell of your body in the presence of your best friend you will feel a resonance, a quickening of your heart beat to match theirs. Your skin, the largest organ in your body, may get goose bumps or loosen slightly around your throat because of the safety you feel with them. Conversely, when you are with people who are, in the words of The Desiderata – vexations to the spirit – your physical body, your body water will respond accordingly with feelings of angst and fear and may tighten and curl slightly inward in protection. As you move through the vibrations of the world around you keep in mind those beings and situations with whom you choose to resonate for your highest and best good. And know that if there isn’t a match in resonance there’s no judgment and no need for you to endure that which doesn’t vibrate to the energy that is uniquely and wonderfully you.