The catalyst for this blog actually happened in late 2016, December, to be exact. And it still bears illuminating because it wasn’t and won’t be an isolated incident. Because of the animal and human beings involved and the context of the situation in which a pattern has developed over time between our species and all the other species. This pattern must now be permanently dismantled because it doesn’t serve anyone involved at all. And never did, in fact.
It’s a set-up every single time for everyone. Human wants animal (in the wild or domestic) to “do” something. That “something” is usually a thing that doesn’t come naturally to the animal. Whether it’s be around humans if it’s an animal in the wild or for a domesticated animal – usually dog or cat – to behave in a way that feels forced to them. So in other words, boundaries are violated that serve a specific purpose for everyone. Of maintaining health and safety. And to be very clear, I don’t ever consider an action by an animal against a human to be an “attack”. To characterize it in such a way is inflammatory. It ratchets up the intensity of the interaction and brings forth unnecessary reaction on the part of the human. Which is felt by the animal which then ricochets back to the human. Then it just gets worse for everyone.
The report came in from Florida of a pitbull by the name of Scarface who allegedly attacked his female guardian because she was wanting to put a sweater on him. Incendiary comments accompanied the facts such as the dog was “incensed” by the woman’s actions. Which for these kinds of encounters between species isn’t new from the human perspective. Because of the strength of the reaction from the animal. Keep in mind that they only react out of fear or pain. And just like you, that “fight” response can appear to be and actually is quite strong. Where their response differs is that it’s to an action vs. a person. This is the point where humans personalize the response that in all likelihood they were responsible for creating in the first place.
Other humans got involved with trying to save the woman which meant that Scarface was stabbed multiple times by family members, tased, sedated and shot with a bean bag gun by police. And ultimately euthanized.
The missing piece is, of course, boundaries. Proper ones. The ones that honor all participants in any situation with respect to what makes them feel most comfortable. Even if Scarface had been dressed many times before in a sweater it could be that this one time was different for him. Each time a human approaches an animal even if they know that animal well – or think they do – it’s a starting over point. Because that animal and all Animals are moment to moment. We’ve lost respect for their boundaries because in large part we’ve lost touch with our own boundaries. And with our moment to moment being-ness in which everything is revealed. Control can be an issue for humans with Animals. If you step into the place of perceiving that you want or have control over any animal it’s game over because you’ve stopped being aware of boundaries. Between you and them. And you’ve stopped honoring the relationship you have with Animals everywhere in perceiving that you’re somehow better than they are. And that your will must be done.
Safe travels, Scarface, to whatever life awaits you in your next incarnation. I hope that if it’s in Animal form on this planet you are met with more compassion, love and gentleness than you were in this lifetime.