A massage for me is a slice of heaven especially if I haven’t had a chance to move my body for its usual hour-a-day. So this past week as I took care of myself and my body via the local student massage clinic – a great deal if you haven’t tried it yet – the therapist chose lovely native flute and drumming music to play during the session. While it doesn’t take much for me to travel with animal spirit helpers at their slightest beckoning the music definitely supported an easy transition into non-ordinary reality as my body relaxed.
I was taken to the Grand Canyon where I became embodied as not just Eagle but as Harpy Eagle, and as a male of that species. The scenery was spectacular as you might imagine it to be and it was made even more so by how I was experiencing the majestic environment – as a raptor. The swoops and glides of his wings, minute adjustments to wind and air pressure and at times – as I was still in human form – rapid and sometimes dizzying changes in elevation were all glorious. Uniting with Animal in any form is something about which I’m not likely to grow weary.
It became clear that the river beneath us was the target and within that river and water element our food, specifically, a fish. And not just one fish but many, many fish. This animal’s pursuit of the fish was revealing in that there was no concern on his part whatsoever that he would get a fish. In fact, there was a sensation of there being an abundance of fish in the river, so much so that any fear about actually catching a fish was removed. The partnership between the Harpy Eagle and Fish held within the structure of Water was supreme and absolutely nothing would alter that dynamic. And because the sensation of lack of abundance was removed it was clear what the message was to me and made more overt when the Harpy Eagle spoke to me. “Do you see? There is always enough Fish”
Our species has removed itself so far from the natural abundance that Earth provides for us as beings on the planet that we’ve created a thought pattern of haves and have nots on an immense and incredibly complex scale. Yet within that moving target of seeking abundance as we continually do is the key to removing a sensation of lack. This slows down the target enough for us to strike a bull’s eye of manifesting abundance when we let go the arrow of our thoughts. It is by entering into a vibrational space that only has abundance in it as the eagle did can we then cease the resonance in all ways with the sensation of lack. I call it a sensation because it doesn’t exist in reality in the world, we simply perceive that it does. While it is true that we as humans have significantly impacted the Earth with our lack of balance there is always abundance in many forms. Indeed, throughout millions of years the Earth continually renews and resets abundance for us and for other beings. We belong to Abundance and it belongs to us. Each of us has our own fish and many more fish besides just one to provide for ourselves and anyone else we might choose. You might even go a step further and say that there is no Need on your part and only Abundance around you. In this way you become more firmly anchored in the richness and never-ending flow of everything you desire coming to you. Harpy Eagle would say “reach out your talons and seize the prize that is yours and yours alone. Fish for everyone today and always!” Photo credit: Harpy eagle by Marsha Wheatley, resized.