The full quote from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is – What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. The meaning being that what we call something doesn’t affect what it really is or its existence. Yet the power of words to shape our instantaneous mental and emotional grasp of the object being described could easily lead us to a misunderstanding of that object simply because of the word being used. And this most certainly applies to the description of what an animal communicator does during a session with an animal.
The animal part seems self-explanatory yet it doesn’t openly reference the layers of consciousness that are accessed those being what I call “earth animal” and “higher self”. The earth animal has a different texture to the connection that reflects the physical attributes of the animal being him/herself. It is in this space that issues related to behavior, food preferences and relationships with other animals and humans will be found. All animals have a lovely direct quality to them and their words, pictures and sensations that they share around these situations are exactly the same way. I gather what is being given to me telepathically and translate the information via words to the animal’s guardians. Definitely quite a bit depends upon my ability to accurately interpret what’s being shared with me and if I stray from original context or don’t explain fully enough – according to the animal – I’ll hear about it! Either the information will repeat itself faster and faster or a stronger sensation of what is meant to be conveyed will be presented. We can tweak diet, modify environment so that behavior issues become less prevalent, and negotiate – key word – any relationship differences for the highest and best good of all involved.
The higher self space contains more intuitive-related and precognitive information sometimes stretching ahead years and encompassing strands of soul paths that are quite surprising. The animal may share situations or people that are unknown in the present time dimension that will prove to be unfailingly accurate. In this space are also any bonds from past lives shared animal to animal or human to animal or human to human. There’s a depth to this space that lends itself nicely to a flow of images, words or feelings coming across multiple time dimensions. And yet, there is never separateness from the “earth animal” space but rather a broadening and deepening of it because animals have both individual and unified consciousness AT THE SAME TIME. That’s where they’re very different from us – except in moments when we may attain that same wonderful sense of being At One With All That Is and Will Be or Ever Was. They’re there ALL THE TIME.
No matter what time dimension or consciousness the information comes forward from it is there for me to relate to the guardians and it’s at this point that the word “communication” becomes sometimes fraught with expectations about what exactly that means – to communicate. To a human when we say “communicate” there is a meaning to the word that connotes mutual understanding at least of what’s being said and perhaps receptivity to that meaning. It’s not uncommon, then, during an animal communication session for the human guardian to say to me “tell Rover that they need to stop barking so much” – the inference being once I tell Rover what they said that Rover will immediately stop barking so much. Yet when mirrored back with this scenario between two humans the guardian will usually admit – sheepishly – that he/she would not automatically expect (or maybe they would) the other human to do as they asked simply because they asked. Why then is it any different with our animal companions? Because a good majority of us do have the expectation as their “owners” (by definition one who has control over) that once our wishes are effectively “communicated” the animal will do as we say. Hmm…put in that context it comes across as being a bit arrogant and domineering – which may be an understatement, I concur.
Like any other relationship you have with any other being in your life the one with your animal companion is based on love, trust and respect and it is only between you and your animal companion. I can share and translate many ideas, concepts, thoughts, feelings but I am not an integral part of this relationship – I am a bridge for building mutual understanding. There will be negotiation involved for a requested change in behavior and believe me, there is more often transgression (albeit unintentional) on the part of the human that’s caused the behavior in the first place. Yet I’ve never heard an animal use a tone that’s judgmental or condescending or that included a wag of the paw. It’s always shared with love and compassion for other beings involved, animal or human, and a sincere desire to move toward a more harmonious and joyful place of peaceful co-existence. Because that’s what all animals are made of – peace, joy, and love and within the relationship that you have with a sentient being of another species is their forever hope that these things are what you’ll always find.