I’m all for enlightenment, awareness and the like and the promotion of such states especially during these times of planetary r/evolution. Goodness knows our species needs all the help it can get what with our books, our “om” and our tendency to become fairly myopic when viewing world-wide events. Perhaps some of that is organic to the process of becoming one with collective consciousness, a first step in seeing who we are and where we need to Be. It becomes an issue when we get stuck there with our attachment to our own dynamic of personal change because somehow we become convinced we’re the only ones having the experience. Rather that become emboldened by the aspect of transformation we seek others to validate for us and at that moment we are in danger of becoming stuck in the rut of a thought about what’s going as opposed to the actual change itself. The very nature of change is transitory. It’s meant to come in, do its thing which usually means uproot or at the very least shake us up a bit so that we wake up, smell the roses (hopefully) and choose to step back onto our soul path. It’s like the very idea of the change itself and not the desired effect of the change (forward movement) is what we focus upon which defeats the whole purpose. So it goes with the current – choose your word – ascension, elevation, escalation, etc. – occurring in our galaxy and thus affecting our beloved Earth and every single being on it at this point in time.
Although I actually used the word “ascension” in the title does not mean in any way that I subscribe to the – at this point – entirely human-oriented meaning behind this ongoing process. Rather than an actual physical ascension and leaving the body perhaps into wherever it is we’d either like to go or perceive we’re actually going, it’s more accurate to say that our mostly physical dimension is being integrated with mostly energetic dimensions. And that’s not to say that a bit of each – physical and energetic – isn’t already a mirror in the opposite dimension. Because they are present and similar to the black and white dots in the yin/yang symbol. And these dots of the opposite color are being blended together to create an entirely different dynamic which is like taking a toothpick and swirling in between the dots of color so they mingle effortlessly.
In reading recent social media posts from humans about this very real energy that is legitimately being felt by and written about by our species, it’s become clear that some humans perceive that animals are either fearful or worried or somehow out of the loop on this period of transformation. Nothing could be further from the truth and it’s disingenuous at best to promote that humans are the only species who “get it”. Our animals relatives, every single one of them, knows more about what’s going on because they are connected with the Earth’s energy all of the time. And it would behoove every single one of us to reach out to each of them asking for their innate wisdom and blessing as we share this magnificent and unique aspect of this galactic moment with them. Because it’s clear we’re all going together and it’s even clearer that when we follow their lead we’ll get to the place where they already are – which is – no surprise – where we want to be anyway. So, lovely humans, I invite you to step away from your perhaps collectively ego-driven desire to consider yourselves special and realize that you already are special and so is everyone else. You’re here on this planet at this point in time to be compassionate towards yourself first and at the same time, every other being on the planet. The circle we perceive to be small is widening dramatically and only for our perspective. All other beings are and always have been in this much larger circle and the more you can yield any vestige of superiority as human during this time the easier your integration of self on all levels will be. The Animals say – come on in, the water’s fine!